
Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The Proverbial Two Way Street

I think that the "tolerance" of these bigots is dangerous. America seems so much more "fragile" to me right now. Economics can really screw with one's self esteem. So many people feel marginalized, helpless. Teabaggers and Birthers are a cult to me. They have a new sense of belonging and purpose since Obama was elected. But they are transparent. They might as well wear white hoods at these townhall meetings.

We, as a country, blacks and whites, struggle with our shame about our issues with slavery and puritanism. If the outraged opposition refrained from their bizarre and dangerous behavior, perhaps they could make their points without such a strong reaction from those of us outraged at their ignorance.Two way street.

Sarah Taylor & Maggie

1 comment:

  1. I was so proud the night Obama was elected as our President. But, now to see all the hate and prejudice come out like rats in an attic is very scary and extremely disillusioning. I find it difficult to believe that the opposition would be this fanatical if Obama were a white man.
